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Ecuador - Ratings & Assessments News


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  DatumDokument-Art Titel Emittent/Unternehmen
25 Apr 2024 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's Ratings announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of International Airport Finance, S.A. International Airport Finance, S.A.
20 Dec 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Infrastructure issuers in Latin America ACI Airport Sud...
Acu Petroleo Lu...
Aeropuertos Arg...
Aeropuertos Dom...
Bioceanico Sove...
Empresa de Tran...
Fid Irrevocable...
Fideicomiso P.A...
Guara Norte S.a...
IIRSA Norte Fin...
08 Dec 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Sovereign entities in Americas and Europe Air Jamaica Lim...
Albania, Govern...
Andorra, Govern...
Argentina, Gove...
Austria, Govern...
Bahamas, Govern...
Bank of England
Barbados, Gover...
Belarus, Govern...
Belgium, Govern...
14 Jul 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Sovereign entities in Americas and Europe Air Jamaica Lim...
Albania, Govern...
Andorra, Govern...
Argentina, Gove...
Austria, Govern...
Bahamas, Govern...
Bank of England
Barbados, Gover...
Belarus, Govern...
Belgium, Govern...
16 May 2023 Announcement Moody's considers Ecuador's debt-for-nature swap bond buyback a distressed exchange Ecuador, Government of
03 Mar 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Sovereign entities in Americas and Europe Air Jamaica Lim...
Albania, Govern...
Andorra, Govern...
Argentina, Gove...
Austria, Govern...
Bahamas, Govern...
Bank of England
Barbados, Gover...
Belarus, Govern...
Belgium, Govern...
27 Feb 2023 Rating Action Moody's affirms Ecuador's Caa3 rating; maintains stable outlook Ecuador, Government of
31 Jan 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Infrastructure issuers in Latin America ACI Airport Sud...
Acu Petroleo Lu...
Aeropuerto Inte...
Aeropuertos Arg...
Aeropuertos Dom...
Bioceanico Sove...
Empresa de Tran...
ENA Master Trus...
ENA Norte Trust
Fid Irrevocable...
13 Sep 2022 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Sovereign entities in Americas, Middle East and Africa Abu Dhabi, Gove...
Air Jamaica Lim...
Angola, Governm...
Argentina, Gove...
Bahamas, Govern...
Bahrain, Govern...
Barbados, Gover...
Belize, Governm...
Benin, Governme...
Bermuda, Govern...
25 Mar 2022 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Sovereign entities in Americas Air Jamaica Lim...
Argentina, Gove...
Bahamas, Govern...
Barbados, Gover...
Belize, Governm...
Bermuda, Govern...
Bolivia, Govern...
Brazil, Governm...
Canada, Governm...
Cayman Islands,...
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